Engaging with small groups or large

CZITT recognises the need for specialised training and engagement with special interest groups. The organisation taps into its inhouse and advisory group as well as its extensive network to conduct focused sessions on topics such as climate change effects, solar power and sustainable farming.

Focus Group Meetings

We pride ourselves on the ability to bring people together around a common issue or opportunity. An example of this is a Focus Group Meeting CZITT convened with support of the Couva/Pt Lisas Chamber of Commerce. It was held in person at the Chamber Building in Couva, Trinidad and Online. The topic was Crime, COVID and Climate Change in Couva and Environs. The agenda included presentations by CZITT on a survey carried out in the area, contributions by residents, business persons, the police, school teachers, farmers and fisherfolk.

CCW4 Teachers

In our work with schools and students, we saw the need for teachers to be fully engaged in the activities. CZITT held a Climate Change Workshop for Teachers (CCW4 Teachers) in 2020 prior to the pandemic. The event was well attended and the material well received. The participants took a Climate Emergency action pledge. CZITT is packaging the “CCW4” workshop to make it available for Engineers, Planners, Finance personnel, Farmers and other interest groups.

Teachers sign Climate Pledge after Workshop

Participants listen attentively to CZITT Founder Mr Donald Baldeosingh

Solar Power Workshop with secondary schools

In association with the High Commission of India to Trinidad and Tobago and the Gandhi Global Solar Yatra, CZITT conducted a workshop at 16 schools involving 500 excited and interested students. It covered the technology behind solar power and the components of a solar power system. 50 students were selected to assemble a solar power lamp for further practical training.

Climate Leadership Academy

This started as a collaboration with the Embassies of Costa Rica and France to Trinidad and Tobago, UNIC and CZITT. 20 student leaders from 10 secondary schools across Trinidad and Tobago participated in a three day intensive programme. It focused on Leadership skills, environmental advocacy, communication, social media presence and talks with Ambassors, Environmental Activists and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago. It concluded with participants preparing, signing, and delivering a Declaration to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Trinidad and Tobago, the Honourable Brigid Annisette-George. The intention is to package and conduct additional programmes though CZITT’s e-learning portal.







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